by ucan | Feb 24, 2021 | Energy
The CPUC direction to the state’s investor-owned utilities to contract for capacity — including additional capacity from existing power plants — that can serve peak and net peak demands during the summer, has environmental and renewables advocates in California...
by ucan | Feb 24, 2021 | Energy
In the aftermath of last August’s blackouts, that left nearly a half-million customers across the state without electricity, the CPUC directed the big three power companies to line up additional sources of energy for this summer. For excellent recaps, please...
by ucan | Feb 24, 2021 | Water
More than 69,600 people in San Diego County are behind on their water bill right now with over 11,200 San Diegans owing more than $1,000. Statewide, one in eight Californians has water debt, and the unpaid bill total has swelled to $1 billion, according to a recent...
by ucan | Feb 24, 2021 | Energy
The CPUC opened a new proceeding to consider ways to deal with growing energy arrearages — the total amount of unpaid customer bills. The pandemic led to shifts in energy usage, with residential customers consuming more power as they work and study from home; despite...
by ucan | Feb 2, 2021 | Energy
Mayor announces timeline to review and negotiate new franchise with SDG&E. With the current franchise agreement set to expire on June, 1, 2021, Mayor Gloria and the City Council will hold various public meetings, via virtual town halls, to gather input. Please...