SDG&E filed its General Rate Case Phase 2 application on January 17, 2023. General rate cases (GRCs) determine the costs of operating and maintaining the utility system (revenue requirement) and are separated into two phases. The first phase of a GRC determines the total amount the utility is authorized to collect. The second phase determines the share of cost each customer class is responsible for and the rate schedules for each class. GRCs used to occur on a three-year cycle but are now on a four-year cycle. UCAN is already participating in Phase 1 and plans to participate in Phase 2. In Phase 1 of the GRC, UCAN works to find crucial savings for ratepayers and maintain a reasonable overall revenue requirement. In Phase 2 of the GRC, UCAN will scrutinize the share of costs allocated to each class making sure that residential ratepayers and small businesses are paying only their fair share of the overall revenue requirement. This includes an examination of cost-of-service issues in relation to cost-based rates and rate design principles (that rates are reasonable and affordable.) UCAN continues to urge the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to address the affordability issues ratepayers are facing, particularly in the San Diego Gas & Electric territory where ratepayers pay some of the highest rates in the country.[1]

