Fall eNewsletter

UCAN – CONTINUING THE WORK As Summer turns to Fall, we hope this newsletter finds you healthy and coping well with current times. For UCAN, whether it’s advocating, representing, or educating, our work continues. Below we highlight some of our ongoing work to help...

City of San Diego Issues Utility Franchise Bid

After the City Council could not agree on terms to recommend, the Mayor’s Office released the requirements a utility must meet to win the right to provide electric and gas services within the city limits.  The Invitation to Bid calls for a new agreement lasting 20...

Why Did California Have Rolling Blackouts?

Did the State Independent System Operator overreact in ordering rolling blackouts?   This excellent review provides background and details on why California suffered its first power outages since 2001.  But Governor Newsom, and others, were not happy with the lack of...

Rolling Blackouts in California

California is confronting first significant rolling blackouts since 2001.  Over the August 14th-16th weekend, the State was challenged by a number of factors – the heatwave, insufficient procurement of resources, changing system needs, and a reduction in energy...