New CPUC Proposal

In a new development, with potentially significant ramifications, the CPUC issued a proposal that could require utilities to consider the impact of the environment before deciding what infrastructure to build.  If approved, utilities, like SDG&E, would need to...

What is an Intervenor?

At the CPUC, UCAN is an “Intervenor” in regulatory proceedings affecting energy, tele-communication and other corporations.  An Intervenor, upon showing a justifiable interest, is permitted to become a party to a proceeding.  Intervenors are full participants in the...

CPUC Reduces the High User Charge

In a case of “better late than never” the CPUC approved reducing the “High User Charge ” (essentially an expensive third-tier for usage over 400% of baseline allowance) for SDG&E customers to help thwart the effects caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this...

SDG&E Information

San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), a California corporation, wholly owned by Sempra Energy, provides electric service in a portion of Orange County and electric and gas services in San Diego County. SDG&E provides energy service to 3.6 million people...