by ucan | Dec 21, 2022 | Energy
San Diego already has the highest average electricity price in the 48 contiguous states, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. In November, San Diego’s recent price was 41 cents per kilowatt-hour compared to the average price in the U.S. of 16.3 cents per...
by ucan | Dec 21, 2022 | Energy
The non-profit organization certified by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to measure and enforce safety standards for the energy grid in the United States recently issued its annual assessment evaluating America’s grid. See: ...
by ucan | Dec 21, 2022 | Energy
After more than a year, the CPUC finally approved new Net Energy Metering (“NEM”) rules. The new rules — known as NEM 3.0 — include $900 million in upfront incentives for customers to pair solar with battery storage systems, with $630 million set aside for low-income...
by ucan | Feb 23, 2022 | Energy
Did your SDG&E Bill Soar? Like so many other SDG&E customers, were you outraged by the price hike in your latest SDG&E bill? As UCAN profiled in our recent newsletter (insert link), SDG&E gas prices rose by nearly 25% while electricity rates increased...
by ucan | Feb 3, 2022 | Energy
A Federal Judge concluded that “PG&E has gone on a crime spree and will emerge from probation as a continuing menace to California.” The Judge has overseen the company’s probation since its conviction of crimes connected to a 2010 natural gas pipeline explosion...
by ucan | Feb 3, 2022 | Energy
A 44 battery storage system project was just announced for San Diego County. A project location will be built in El Cajon and another location will be rolled out in Chula Vista. The goal is to add more emissions-free energy to California’s electric grid. When...