Power Grid and Climate Change

 As SDG&E customers saw in January, various factors play out in influencing the electric power grid – and its costs.  Per a recent study, the electric power grid is heavily influenced by weather patterns, heat waves and dwindling water supplies. Climate change may...

San Diego Community Power Update

Soon, if you live in the City of San Diego, Chula Vista, La Mesa, Encinitas or Imperial Beach, you will get a new electricity provider.  San Diego Community Power (SDCP) a community choice energy program will enroll more than 700,000 residential customers between...

Postponed CPUC Decision

 The CPUC has postponed ruling on a proposed decision that potentially has significant ramifications for California homeowners with solar panel systems.  The Commission begin a proceeding to address a number of issues, on both sides of the debate, surrounding the...

CPUC set to announce new NEM rules soon

California’s “net energy metering” program, in which residential solar customers are allowed to sell energy they don’t use back to power companies, resulting in a big discount and savings on their energy bills, is scheduled to be the subject of proposed reforms soon...

State Utilities Seek Inappropriate Costs

California’s Investor-Owned Utilities (IOUs) – Southern California Edison and Pacific Gas & Electric, are asking for a profit (“earn a rate of return”) on costs that have been previously classified as operations and maintenance (O&M) expenses.  In SCE’s...

California’s Gas Fleet

SDG&E recently indicated it would support allowing gas capacity upgrades at existing sites to count toward the 11.5 GW procurement previously ordered by the CPUC.  At that time, the Commission  hailed the procurement package — approved amid the threat of more...