The CPUC just announced that the moratorium on utility disconnections has been extended.  Previously, the Commission adopted an emergency resolution that directed energy, water and communications corporations to apply customer protection measures during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Specifically, the utilities were prohibited from pursuing account disconnections due to non-payment.  That order, scheduled to end on June 30, 2021, now been extended to the end of September.

UCAN was involved in the CPUC rulemaking to consider whether to establish special relief programs for customers who could not pay their electricity bills during the COVID-19 pandemic.  (R.21-02-014.)  The Commission voted on June 24th to automatically enroll ratepayers who are over 60 days behind on their utility payments due to COVID-19 into a two-year payment program. Ratepayers can opt out of this plan and this plan does not restrict ratepayers from accessing relief for other sources. A ratepayer can pay their past due amount early if they so choose. For more information, please visit the CPUC’s website and also see this article from the Union Tribune.

UCAN is available to help individual consumers through our UCAN, We Can program.  Please do not hesitate to contact our Consumer Advocate if you need assistance.