How can California prepare its electric grid for a high number of distributed energy resources including electric vehicles, rooftop solar, battery storage and demand response technologies? In this proceeding, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is investigating how to optimize the integration of millions of DERs within the distribution grid while ensuring affordable rates. This includes preparing the grid to accommodate a high DER future and capture as much value as possible from DERs as well as mitigate any unintended consequences. “Capturing value” could include considering DERs as resources available to the electricity system thus optimizing all electric resources which could help lower costs as well as increase reliability. UCAN is an active participant in this proceeding and supports capturing the value of DERs that could ultimately lower system costs and rates for all ratepayers. To learn more about UCAN’s position in this proceeding, click here: R.21-06-017. To learn more about California’s “Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Action Plan” click here: DER Action Plan 2.0.