The CPUC has postponed ruling on a proposed decision that potentially has significant ramifications for California homeowners with solar panel systems. The Commission begin a proceeding to address a number of issues, on both sides of the debate, surrounding the current Net Energy Metering(NEM) rules. A Proposed Decision was issued in December but it only created more issues. Per the Governor’s suggestion, the CPUC has tabled for now review of the ruling. Please read for a detailed background:
1.This is the first time anyone has mentioned the vast amount of money Sempra and SDG&E payout to shareholders over all the years they’ve been in business in San Diego as a direct cause of the highest rates paid in the country. Good work Richard Lopez.
2. If NET metering is ended the wealthy will buy batteries & completely go off grid. SDG&E are money grubbing mafiosos holding us hostage & the only way to live equitably in San Diego is to dump the privatized bloodsucking company.