SUMMARY: In this proceeding, the CPUC is deciding further rules and regulations that govern when, how and why utilities may shut off power lines during California’s fire season. The CPUC has determined, as a matter of last-resort and to avoid further wildfire damages, utilities may shut off power lines (“Public Safety Power Shutoff”).

UCAN’s POSITION:  UCAN has been participating in this proceeding to advocate for stricter rules for determining when to pursue PSPS events, specific directions to follow in notifying communities, customers and emergency responders and post-PSPS activity reports must also review and thoroughly evaluate other options (other than PSPS) that should or could have been considered.  UCAN particularly addressed the need to specifically consider and focus on the needs of “access and functional needs” (sensitive customer) populations.  A Decision was recently issued by the CPUC and reflects many of UCAN’s positions for enhanced notification, protocols and pre-event meetings.