Soon, if you live in the City of San Diego, Chula Vista, La Mesa, Encinitas or Imperial Beach, you will get a new electricity provider.  San Diego Community Power (SDCP) a community choice energy program will enroll more than 700,000 residential customers between February and May.  SDCP will pool the electricity needs of its customers and purchase power on their behalf. SDG&E will continue to deliver the electricity, and provide meter reading, billing, and line maintenance services. Residents will receive a single bill from SDG&E that shows SDCP’s electric generation charge, replacing SDG&E’s generation charge (which will show as a bill credit). Natural gas service will not change. You’ll continue to receive gas service from SDG&E along with all the other utility program fees, power transmission and distribution fees as you always have.  For more information, please visit SDCP’s website: