SDG&E Information

San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), a California corporation, wholly owned by Sempra Energy, provides electric service in a portion of Orange County and electric and gas services in San Diego County. SDG&E provides energy service to 3.6 million people through 1.4 million electric meters and 873,000 natural gas over 4,100 square miles. Sempra Energy is SDG&E’s parent company (

As an investor-owned utility SDG&E is regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). You may find information about the CPUC and its regulatory efforts here:

For more information about SDG&E, please visit their website: For customer service, you may find information here:

Should you have issues with your SDG&E, please feel free to reach out to UCAN for 1-to-1 assistance and support. Our UCAN, We Can! program can help you resolve your problems